Playboy's Erotic Fantasies IV: Forbidden Liaisons


Take an uninhibited journey into the sensual mind's eye with these illicit tales of lust.

Take an uninhibited journey into the sensual mind's eye with these illicit tales of lust, longing and the fulfillment of your most carnal desires. From sinfully exciting to outrageously indulgent, this stunning new collection will leave you breathless... for more. The erotic antics begin when a couple's working lunch becomes a marvelous mix of business and pleasure, and a duo of damsels in domestic distress find that the local plumber has just the right touch... in more ways than one. next, a captivating piano player and his adoring fan make beautiful music together, while it's a case of temptation for a detective whose sexy subject provides him with an enticing private eyeful and come-hither clues of her own. Then, it's a day in the park indeed for a guy whose friendly ball game results in the "catch of the day" when he scores big with an all-American beauty. And, when a 1940s gangster checks into a cozy hotel, he gets "checked out" by a pair of gorgeous ghosts ready to double his fun. Quench your appetite for desire with these delicious tales of seduction... the pleasures of forbidden fruit have never been so delightful.

Info about Playboy's Erotic Fantasies IV: Forbidden Liaisons

Studio(s): Playboy Entertainment Group

Originally Released: May 09, 1995

Production Country: United States


Playboy's Erotic Fantasies IV: Forbidden Liaisons Collections