Home in the Wild background

Home in the Wild

2023 - PresentTV-147.6

The Baird family tests their skills at preparing for off grid living. With their two young children, they set off on canoe and camping treks to mirror the challenges they might face and to possibly lead them to the perfect site to build...

The Baird family tests their skills at preparing for off grid living. With their two young children, they set off on canoe and camping treks to mirror the challenges they might face and to possibly lead them to the perfect site to build their off grid home.


Episode 2 Passing the Test

2. Passing the Test

Aired: May 2, 2023

Jim rappels the canoe down a cliff; Tori solos Class III rapids.

Episode 3 Are We There Yet?

3. Are We There Yet?

Aired: May 9, 2023

After getting lost in a swamp, the Bairds finally make it to Island Lake.

Episode 4 Swamped

4. Swamped

Aired: May 9, 2023

Jim, Tori and the kids get lost in a swamp while canoeing to Island Lake.

Info about Home in the Wild

Current Status: Returning Series

Network: National Geographic

Production Country: United States
