The Lone Rider and the Bandit background

The Lone Rider and the Bandit


Tom disguises himself as a musician to learn who is terrorizing the miners into selling their claims cheaply.

The famous bandit Joaquin Murieta has reappeared and Sheriff Smoky has sent for Tom Cameron. When Tom poses as Murieta, he learns that Corbett is the fake Murieta and Miller is the boss. But Tom's plan to trap Miller goes awry when Miller sees through his Murieta disguise and has him and his pals Fuzzy and Smoky jailed to await hanging the next day,

Info about The Lone Rider and the Bandit

Studio(s): PRC

Originally Released: Jan 16, 1942

Production Country: United States

Budget: $12,000.00

Genres:Western, Drama, Music

The Lone Rider and the Bandit Collections