Slaughtered background


2008NR1h 25m3.6

Harold Parkinson has a snuff site on the web "Slaughtered Sheep". He hires young models never intending to pay them. Instead he murders them and uses their pictures on his website. Harold's victims are not happy about being brutally...

Harold Parkinson has a snuff site on the web "Slaughtered Sheep". He hires young models never intending to pay them. Instead he murders them and uses their pictures on his website. Harold's victims are not happy about being brutally murdered and that Harold continues to add to their numbers. After several warnings, which the psychotic Harold ignores. His past victim's band together in order to stop Harold and prevent him from murdering more models, While exacting their own special brand of revenge.

Info about Slaughtered

Originally Released: Oct 21, 2008
