Partition, 1921 background

Partition, 1921


This documentary traces how the line drawn across the island of Ireland reflected the close relationship between Irish unionists and a powerful Westminster establishment.

Presented by Michael Portillo, Partition, 1921 explores the background to partition a century on from King George V's visit to Belfast to open the Northern Irish parliament. Although the division of Ireland is often presented as the inevitable outcome of the irreconcilable demands of nationalists and unionists, Partition, 1921 explores a more calculated story of political intrigue. The documentary traces how the line drawn across the island reflected the close relationship between Irish unionists and a powerful Westminster establishment, and Britain's need to preserve its Empire against the challenges arising from a new era of self-determination.

Info about Partition, 1921

Studio(s): RTÉ, Midas Productions

Originally Released: Jun 14, 2021
