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2020TV-141h 39m6.2

Milea made the decision to part with Dilan as a warning for Dilan to stay away from the motorcycle gang. But the parting which had been only a bluff for Milea became a parting that lasted until they graduated from college and grew up.

Dilan (Iqbaal Ramadhan),the combat commander of a motorcycle gang in Bandung in the early 90s, formed a relationship with a new female student from Jakarta named Milea (Vanesha Prescilla). Dilan was always happy when he was with Milea, but his motorcycle gang friends feel that Dilan was getting away from his group because of Milea. A terrible event happened: one of their members, Akew (Gusti Rayhan),died of being beaten by a group of people. The incident made Milea worried about the safety of Dilan. Milea made the decision to part with Dilan as a warning for Dilan to stay away from the motorcycle gang. The Akew incident dragged Dilan to the authorities along with his friends. The parting which had been only a bluff for Milea became a parting that lasted until they graduated from college and grew up. They both still carry the same feeling when they meet again at a reunion, but each of them already has a partner.

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Info about Milea

Studio(s): Max Pictures

Originally Released: Feb 13, 2020

Production Country: Indonesia

Genres:Drama, Romance

Milea: Where to Watch Online?

Currently you are able to watch "Milea" streaming on Netflix.

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