Made in the USA: The 30 Day Journey background

Made in the USA: The 30 Day Journey

2014NR1h 33m7.1

Look around you for items marked 'Made in the USA'. How many items did you find? Could the loss of manufacturing jobs be a vital reason why our economy is struggling? Does 'Made in the USA' mean anything anymore? After witnessing the...

Look around you for items marked 'Made in the USA'. How many items did you find? Could the loss of manufacturing jobs be a vital reason why our economy is struggling? Does 'Made in the USA' mean anything anymore? After witnessing the tragic effects caused by a factory shutdown in his hometown of Ravenswood, WV, Josh Miller takes off across the country for 30 days on an epic journey into the heart of America seeking to discover the answers to these questions.

Info about Made in the USA: The 30 Day Journey

Originally Released: Sep 30, 2014

Genres:Adventure, Documentary, History