Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe background

Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe

2021NR1h 27m5.7

The continuous story of Brandner Kaspar in Bavaria in the mid-1950s. When Death (Boandlkramer) is supposed to take little Maxl, he falls in love with his mother Gefi. Confused by previously unknown feelings, he confides in the devil

For thousands of years, the Boandlkramer - or in other words death (Michael Bully Herbig) - has ensured that people pass from this world to the afterlife. Which, with the exception of a certain Brandner Kaspars, has always worked well so far. But now something has happened that hasn't happened in all this time: The Boandlkramer has fallen in love with a woman named Gefi (Hannah Herzsprung),but winning the beloved over is easier said than done, especially since there is also one rival there. In his distress, the devil (Hape Kerkeling) offers him his support in order to win the heart of Gefi. But Lucifer is not quite so selfless, because in return the Boandlkramer should stop his work - which could plunge the world into a great disaster. Maybe a miracle can help.

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Info about Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe

Studio(s): Perathon Film-und Fernsehproduktions, herbX Film

Originally Released: May 14, 2021

Production Country: Germany

Genres:Comedy, Fantasy, Romance