A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night background

A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night


A beautiful concert. Harry Nilsson singing standards way before it was popular to do in fact it was considered "unhip" to do these old songs. He knew his voice could on reach the very high register beautifully sung music he was known for....

A beautiful concert. Harry Nilsson singing standards way before it was popular to do in fact it was considered "unhip" to do these old songs. He knew his voice could on reach the very high register beautifully sung music he was known for. He said it was urgent that they record this album NOW! Saying I won't have that choir boy thing to give anymore. Gordon Jenkins (Frank Sinatra's arranger) was up to the task this film shows Harry, Gordon and a 40 piece orchestra playing "As Time Goes By", "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" and "Makin' Whopee!" among many other great tunes. He made this album and BBC special with the help of Stanley Dorfman whom Harry trusted as he had given him carte blanche to make his 1970 BBC concert series showcasing Nilsson's beautiful solo work but he was deathly afraid of preforming live. This concert film is beautiful and was the very last of the choir boy Harry Nilsson as he blew out his voice when recording "Pussy Cats" produced and co- preformed at this point he was using oxygen to make it through the recording sessions the drink and drugs where really taking their toll on him. During these sessions Harry was bleeding from his throat from a ruptured vocal chord afraid to stop the sessions because he didn't know if they would ever be finished so he pushed on and said nothing , the damage was done. Although I love all of Harry Nilsson's work this would be the last time we would hear him sing so high. As said before a beautiful concert

Info about A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night

Studio(s): British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

Originally Released: Apr 11, 1973
