An American horror film series centered on a djinn, an omnipotent, supremely evil genie entity who is released from a jewel and seeks to capture souls.

R 1h 30m 5.8

Watch Wishmaster

A demonic djinn attempts to grant its owner three wishes, which will allow him to summon his brethren to Earth.

Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies

R 1h 36m 5.1

Watch Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies

The evil Djinn is awakened once more, and must collect 1001 souls to begin the Apocalypse.

Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell

R 1h 29m 3.5

Watch Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell

The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University.

Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled

R 1h 32m 4

Watch Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled

This time, the Djinn unleashes his undying love for a beautiful woman in his final attempt to unleash his brethren from Hell.

Wishmaster background