Madagascar is an animated film series produced by DreamWorks Animation. Voices of Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock and David Schwimmer are featured in the films. The plot follows the adventures of story of four Central Park Zoo animals who have spent their lives in blissful captivity and are unexpectedly shipped back to Africa.

PG 1h 26m 6.9

Watch Madagascar

A group of animals who have spent all their life in a New York zoo end up in the jungles of Madagascar, and must adjust to living in the wild.

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

PG 1h 29m 6.6

Watch Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

The Madagascar animals fly back to New York City, but crash-land on an African nature reserve in Kenya, where they meet others of their own kind, and Alex especially discovers his royal heritage as prince of a lion pride.

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

PG 1h 33m 6.8

Watch Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

The Madagascar animals join a struggling European circus to get back to New York, but find themselves being pursued by a psychotic animal-control officer.

Madagascar background