The Big Black Pill

NR1h 40m5.8

Watch The Big Black Pill

Joe Dancer a private detective is given a big money case by Tiffany Farinpour,whose family include powerful politicians. Tiffany needs Joe to find her younger brother David who has left the family under a cloud.

The Monkey Mission


Watch The Monkey Mission

Second (out of three) made-for-TV Joe Dancer movie has the hard-boiled private eye teaming up with a chimpanzee, named Gregor, and the trainer Jimmy Papadopolous, who happens to be an expert sneak thief, against an electronics genisus of...

Murder 1, Dancer 0

NR1h 40m5.9

Watch Murder 1, Dancer 0

Private eye Joe Dancer finds himself framed for manslaughter while trying to uncover a Hollywood scandal that could ruin a studio and destroy a top star's career.

Joe Dancer background