Chris van Abkoude

Chris van Abkoude

Deceased · Born: Nov 6, 1880 · Died: Jan 2, 1960

Personal Details

BornNov 6, 1880 Rotterdam


Chris van Abkoude (6 November 1880 – 2 January 1960) was a Dutch writer and novelist of mostly children's books. In 1916 he moved to the United States, where he wrote all novels from his Pietje Bell series except for the first one, which he wrote in 1914 in Rotterdam. In the U.S., he anglicized his name to Charles Winters. In 1923 Van Abkoude wrote the novel Kruimeltje (Little Crumb),that has been adapted to film multiple times.


Little Crumb Race to the Gold Mine
Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown
Pietje Bell
Pietje Bell as Writer