Twilight in the Sierras background

Twilight in the Sierras

1950NR1h 7m6.1

Roy is a United States Marshal tracking down a counterfeiting ring and hunting down a mountain lion. Songs: "It's One Wonderful Day, " "Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy, " "Pancho's Rancho" and the title song.

In Morongo County, in the Sierra country, Judge Amos Wiggins (Edward Keane) runs a sheep ranch with the help of Foy Willing (Foy Willing) and the Riders of the Purple Sage (Al Sloey, George Bamby and Darol Rice),and provides employment to deserving convicts on parole. One of these is Ricardo Chavez (Russ Vincent),a young artist and engraver, who has written to his sister in Cuba, Lola Chavez (Estelita Rodriguez),that he is operating a ranch of his own, and he is dismayed to learn that she is on her way to visit him. Before she arrives, Ricardo is kidnapped by Mason (Fred Kohler, Jr). and Blake (Pierce Lyden),henchmen of Matt Brunner (George Meeker) who operates a hunting lodge as a front for his counterfeiting activities, which is printing Gold Certificates not exchangeable in the U.S., but he has a buyer, Paul Clifford (William Lester) with foreign contacts. He threatens to harm Lola unless Ricardo agrees to do his engraving. State Parole Officer Roy Rogers (Roy Rogers) arrives, and since Sheriff Callahan (Harry Strang) is on vacation, he must rely on the help of Callahan's deputy, his daughter Pat (Dale Evans). In the hope of arranging a fatal accident for Roy, Brunner invites him and his friends to the lodge for a cougar hunt. But the accident happens to one of Brunner's men and he accuses Roy of murder and demands his arrest. Roy escapes, but his horse "Trigger" (Himself, and also the only name besides Roy Rogers billed above the title in Rogers' films after 1942 and, consequently always the 2nd-billed cast member for those really interested in correct cast orders) is wounded and Roy seeks the help of his veterinarian friend Dr. Sparrow Biffle (Pat Brady).

Info about Twilight in the Sierras

Studio(s): Republic Pictures

Originally Released: May 20, 1950

Production Country: United States
