Parador Húngaro background

Parador Húngaro

2014 NR 1h 19m 6.9

The story of what happens in between where we are born and who we decide to be, the only place we can really call home.

Parador Húngaro is the touching story of a friendship spanning generations and national boundaries: a Hungarian soldier escapes to the West in the 1950s. The son of a U.S. soldier runs to the East in the 1990s. When their paths cross in Bogotá, Colombia, they become friends by sharing memories of the same land but of very different times, and old feelings get stirred up, for better or for worse. Parador Húngaro is a reflection on immigrant identity: what we leave behind, what we learn anew, and what it's like to go back 'home' again.

Info about Parador Húngaro

Originally Released: Sep 13, 2014

Production Countries: Colombia, Hungary

Genres:Biography, Documentary, History