Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes background

Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes

2007TV-MA1h 19m4.1

An American secret agent and an evil female supercriminal vie to recover a pair of top secret X-ray vision glasses that have accidentally fallen into the hands of a ditzy stripper.

In a hideaway near London, U.S. secret agent Richardson buys a unique pair of X-ray glasses from Natasha Rubikoff, a free-lance spy. Before he can get them to a lab in the U.S., he bumps into a stranger on the street; in the tangle, she ends up with the glasses. Before Richardson can track her down, she and her boyfriend head for Vegas to use the glasses to win at blackjack. Meanwhile, Natasha has run afoul of Mao Myx, an evil minx who had a buyer for the glasses. Mao's strongman Vargas has Natasha in a dungeon cell, and he goes looking for Richardson. Will the glasses fall into the hands of the wrong party? Or can Richardson recover them so the U.S. President can win at poker? Written by

Info about Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes

Studio(s): Retromedia Entertainment, American Independent Productions

Originally Released: Aug 16, 2007

Production Country: United States
