Choreomania background



This is the story of Hector's journey into dance hell as the city is overwhelmed by an hysterical body-popping plague. Try to keep your feet still as Glasgow succumbs to the collective insanity that is... Choreomania.

Times are grim but for Hector things are about to get ghastly. A sinister contagion has overtaken Glasgow turning people into dancing maniacs. Anyone who is touched by the infected immediately succumbs to a rhythmic frenzy that robs them of all volition and impels them on to dance until blood is spilled and bones are broken. Only death can release them from their balletic torment. Hector awakens, late, hung-over but blissfully unaware of the foot-stamping holocaust devouring his city. He rushes to catch the bus but instead of the reassuring comfort of the number 43 he is launched on a terrifying odyssey, desperate to avoid infection from the deranged hoards that have turned his city into an open-air mosh pit. Will he make it? Will he ever look at Fred and Ginger in the same way again? There's only one way to find out - quickstep your way into the urban nightmare that is - CHOREOMANIA.

Info about Choreomania

Originally Released: May 10, 2010

Genres:Comedy, Short