A Millionaire for Christy background

A Millionaire for Christy

1951NR1h 31m6.2

A secretary is sent on a business trip to inform a radio personality he's just inherited two million dollars. She falls for him instantly, but he's on his way to get married.

All of San Francisco based legal secretary Christabel Sloane's wages goes toward the "needs" of her freeloading family leaving her virtually penniless, she musing that she needs to marry a millionaire to survive. So when Christy is assigned to go to Los Angeles to inform a Peter Ulysses Lockwood that he has inherited the equivalent of $2 million, Patsy Clifford, Christy's friend and fellow legal secretary with neither knowing anything about Lockwood, suggests that Christy should try to trap Lockwood into marrying her. He is a radio announcer, Christy's arrival being his wedding day to socialite June Chandler, whose wealthy father, Benjamin Chandler, doesn't much like his future son-in-law in believing Peter marrying June only for her money in he only working six hours a week in that radio announcer job as "The Sunshine Man". Christy and Peter's encounters are affected by their missions for the day: Christy to inform Peter of his inheritance, that job which is tainted by Patsy's words in how to trap Peter ringing subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, in her ears; and Peter to make it to his wedding while trying to prove to June that he has never met Christy before this day, and that Christy, in her ramblings about money and her actions, is medically certifiable. Thrown into the mix of what happens is La Jolla psychiatrist Dr. Roland Cook, Peter's longtime best friend, his best man and June's former boyfriend, who is still in love with June and believes Peter stole her away from him.

Info about A Millionaire for Christy

Studio(s): Bert E. Friedlob Productions

Originally Released: Sep 02, 1951

Production Country: United States

Genres:Comedy, Romance, Mystery